La Ola scratch wave
013x straight black
La Ola scratch wave
The cat-on cardboard scratcher for cats La Ola in proven handcrafted quality comes directly and freshly produced from Berlin/Germany. It is the ideal scratching board for your cat with ergonomically adapted forms. It can be used on both sides. Cats love cat-on scratch posts & scratchboards! cat-on scratching furniture is excessively loved and strongly used by the cats, not only for claw care, but also for playing and sleeping extensively.
The scratchboard in wave-shape La Ola is an excellent entry- model. Placed for example in the entrance area of your home, it will be often used by the cats to balance emotions. On the window, La Ola is the perfect scratching, sleeping and observation place.
Cats react very emotionally in different situations and express these feelings with a brave scratching as a jumping reaction. Cats show their joy to the family who are returning home, for example, by immediately looking for a cat-on scratchboard and scratcher.
- Order number: 400.400.013x
- EAN: 4250519516943
- Height: 6 cm
- Length: 60 cm
- Depth: 22 cm
- Delivery time: 12 - 14 workdays
- 100 % Made in Germany
- Customizable
- Vegan certified glue
- Produced from fsc-certified corrugated board
- Designed & handcrafted in Berlin
Anyone who knows cats knows too well how sensitive, sensitive but also obstinate our velvet paws can be in everyday life. All cat food manufacturers in the world would possibly go out of their way to develop a food that is loved by all cats in the world. When it comes to taste, cats are as individual as they are unpredictable. However, there is one material that almost all cat dreams are made of: cardboard. We made cat-on out of cardboard and have been knitting tirelessly on various cat-scratching rooms since 2010.
The production method in our Berlin factory differs essentially from many other cat products made from corrugated cardboard. On the one hand, we only process high-quality papers from FSC-certified, sustainable wood cultivation, which we obtain from the region. We focus on sustainability in connection with cats and the natural product corrugated cardboard.

On the other hand, we use state-of-the-art technologies in our production, which enable us to process our handcrafted scratching posts and scratching furniture with the utmost precision and incomparably loving care. This guarantees you a premium quality that is constant whenever possible in all model sizes and shapes.
Unique to cat-on scratching posts and cat furniture made of cardboard are the high weight, the different sizes for all cat breeds, the individual production, on request made to measure, the variety of color options, the high aesthetics and processing quality and very special the sound when scratching!
General informations:
cat-on scratching furniture is individually manufactured for you in a complex process from individual layers of high-quality corrugated cardboard in our Berlin factory. Upon receipt of your order, your personal scratching furniture will be freshly produced for you in Berlin, a product handmade in Germany! This individual production enables us to offer you a huge variety of designs and colors.
Many customers are already using our unique, very personal service and have their scratching furniture made in the right color for the facility. You can't find the color of your choice? Just write to us! We are happy to help.
A satisfied customer says
Qualität ,die jeden Cent wert ist.
Ich habe schon oft bei Cat on bestellt und bin immer äußert zufrieden. Die Kratzbretter sind robust , langlebig und krümeln nicht, obwohl sie hier von 4 Maine Coon Kater bearbeitet werden.. Meine Katzen lieben diese Bretter .
Nur noch Cat One Kratzutensilien!
Langlebig, beste Qualität.
Da wartet man gerne etwas länger drauf
Qualität ,die jeden Cent wert ist.
Ich habe schon oft bei Cat on bestellt und bin immer äußert zufrieden. Die Kratzbretter sind robust , langlebig und krümeln nicht, obwohl sie hier von 4 Maine Coon Kater bearbeitet werden.. Meine Katzen lieben diese Bretter .
Sehr überzeugend
Ich konnte es mir gar nicht vorstellen, dass das Brett aus Pappe so stabil und schön ist.
Hab‘ gleich noch ein Möbel bestellt!
Das Brett wurde ein Geschenk der Kater
Das Brett wurde ein Geschenk der Kater hat es sofort akzeptiert und er fühlt sich wohl famit
Meine Katzen lieben alle Möbel von Cat-On
Meine Katzen lieben alle Möbel von Cat-On
Perfekt! Elegantes Design, macht keinen "Pappschnippselmüll" wie
Perfekt! Elegantes Design, macht keinen "Pappschnippselmüll" wie günstigere Modelle. Wird von den Katzen gerne angenommen.
Geliebtes Kratzbrett
Wunderbar robuste Kratzmöbel!
Meine 19 Jahre alte Katze liebt diese Kratzmöbel, und trotz der Pappe nutzen sie nicht schnell ab. Sehr zu empfehlen.